Mokken Analysis and Nonparametric Tests

Uses R Statistics to perform the nonparametric analysis described in mokken.pdf and eRm-NPtest.


Wind, S.A. (2014) Examining rating scales using Rasch and Mokken models for rater-mediated assessments

Journal of Applied Measurement 15(2):100-32. Link

van der Ark, L. A. . (2012). New Developments in Mokken Scale Analysis in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(5), 1–27. Link

Ponocny, I. (2002) Nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests for the Rasch model. Psychometrika 67(2):315-315. Link


From the Plots menu:






Select field:

4Z. Response value after recounting from zero

Nonparametric analysis requires simple ordinal data.

Persons are rows, items are columns

Persons are columns, items are rows

The columns are treated as items (variables) in this analysis.

Omit persons with missing data

Omit items with missing data

Missing data is not allowed

Column labels

shown in reports and plot headings

Mokken Nonparametric Scaling (dichotomous or polytomous data)

Mokken tests

Loevinger's Coefficient H reported as ItemH

ISRF: item-step response function

IIO: invariant item ordering

Ponocny Nonparametric Tests (dichotomous data only)

Ordinal tests of dependence and invariance

There are more nonparametric tests available from the R Statistics > prompt, e.g., T1l (learning)

See mokken.pdf and eRm-NPtest.


Output from R Statistics:

[1] "Mokken Scaling (R Statistics package: mokken)"

[1] "Mokken-consistent Subscales: aisp"

[1] "subscales numbered 1 and up. 0 = not in subscale"


X4.1.3.4          1

X5.2.1.4          1



[1] "Ponocny Nonparametric Tests only for dichotomous data (R Statistics package: eRm)"

[1] "Local dependence = overfit (T1)"



[1] "available Mokken plots:"

[1] "plot(monotonicity.list)"

[1] "plot(restscore.list)"

[1] "plot(pmatrix.list)"

[1] "plot(iio.list)"


Plots are usually many pages (R Statistics windows) requiring one click for each page. Escape key and window ☒ to exit.


> plot(iio.list)



Help for Winsteps Rasch Measurement and Rasch Analysis Software: Author: John Michael Linacre